
Ford Escape


Creative Director

Curious what’s inside the car of a developer at The Escape Effect?  This is my car and it tells a story.

Today’s story is touches on the maintenance of running an escape room. Over time, players have unhinged a special box in Sherlock Studies. It got to a point where repairing was no longer an option. As such, part of my team and I went out looking for a new box.

By the end of the trip, we ended up with potential set design and props for the upcoming Medieval game.

  • Crowbar.
  • Dishes.
  • Cups.
  • Kettle.
  • Crank. We think this is a car crank, so maybe it does not make sense.
  • Pan.
  • Stool.

Not every day for procurement is productive, but today it was.

“In My Trunk” is a series where escape room developers share what they’re carrying in their vehicle.